free time and daydreams

so what do you do on your free time?
as expected, not doing anything is impossible isn't it.
what does "free time" mean anyway?
there's no such thing.
there's only the time when you're not doing something profitable.
meaning, no money generated from such activity.
like sleeping, doing a hobby, watching tv, dvd, you name it.
well there are some people who earns income from their hobby, right?
like painting, drawing, arts and crafts.
but if they were me, i wouldn't sell the product of my hobby.
that's if i had one.
as for me, during my free time, i like to sleep.
that's because i like to dream.
and it's frustrating once you wake up not remembering what you dreamt about.
i also dream while awake you know.
there's so many things to dream about in this world.
when i say dream, it yields more to the fantasy realm than in reality.
why not.
it's fun. imagination wanders to its limits.
and whenever imagination is active, you can become anyone and anything.
there's no boundary to what you can do.
so dream.
and have them inspire you to become a better you.

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